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Contact CLHbidIs the En Bloc process fair to high bidders who miss their desired parcel?
Last updated on June 10, 2024
PLEASE NOTE: Not all sales have an ‘en bloc’. Please review the particulars of each sale for clarity.
At, we only act for the Seller, and our sole goal is to maximize value for the Seller. We know from experience when dealing with multiple parcels that the ‘en bloc’ aspect can bring significant added value. At, we treat all bidders equally; however, in the end, it is not our mandate to ensure every high bidder gets the parcel they wanted. Our paramount objective is to see our Seller net the highest return possible.
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Contact CLHbidQuestions Similar To "Is the En Bloc process fair to high bidders who miss their desired parcel?"
How does the bidding process work?
The online tender platform will commence at a predetermined time, which will be posted in advance on the online page for that specific auction.
What is En Bloc and how does it work?
The ‘en bloc’ aspect of offers bidders an alternative option to acquire an entire farm or ranch or predetermined designated section of the farm or ranch.
How does ensure bids are not shopped?
Immediately upon expiration of the timed sale, the high bidder will receive an email indicating they were the highest bidder.
Does release the name of the highest bidder following a sale? doesn’t release the name of the high bidder to the public.